Article 309


Article 309 of the Indian Constitution addresses the recruitment and conditions of service for individuals serving the Union or a State. This constitutional provision establishes the framework within which public services and posts related to the Union or a State government are regulated. It stipulates that the recruitment and conditions of service for individuals in these roles can be governed by Acts passed by the appropriate Legislature, subject to the provisions of the Constitution.

What does Article 309 states?

309. Recruitment and conditions of service of persons serving the Union or a State Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, Acts of the appropriate Legislature may regulate the recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed, to public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or of any State: Provided that it shall be competent for the President or such person as he may direct in the case of services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union, and for the Governor of a State or such person as he may direct in the case of services and posts in connection with the affairs of the State, to make rules regulating the recruitment, and the conditions of service of persons appointed, to such services and posts until provision in that behalf is made by or under an Act of the appropriate Legislature under this article, and any rules so made shall have effect subject to the provisions of any such Act.

Key Aspects of Article 309

A key clause in the Indian Constitution, Article 309, deals with hiring procedures and employment terms for those working in positions with the Union or a State government or in the public sector. Here are some crucial ideas to help you comprehend this content better:

  1. Regulation of Recruitment and Service Conditions: Article 309 lays out the general idea that hiring procedures and employment terms for people assigned to positions in the public sector that are connected to the Union or a State government should be governed by law. Typically, the corresponding Legislature—whether it is the State Legislature (for State affairs) or the Parliament (for Union affairs)—passes these laws called Acts.
  2. Subject to the Constitution: The recruiting and service conditions are governed by the Acts of the relevant Legislature, however they are always subject to the Indian Constitution‘s requirements. This guarantees the protection of the rights and values entrenched in the Constitution, such as the values of equality and non-discrimination, in the hiring of public employees.
  3. Executive Power to Make Rules: Article 309 grants the President of India, for matters relating to the Union, and the Governor of a State, for matters relating to the State, the executive power to make rules controlling the appointment of individuals to public services and positions, as well as the terms and conditions of those appointments. Until formal legislation (an Act) is passed by the relevant Legislature, these regulations—which are a temporary measure—remain in force.
  4. Temporary Regulations: The regulations established by the President or Governor pursuant to Article 309 are transient in nature. They act as a stopgap solution to guarantee that hiring and working conditions are governed even in the absence of a formal Act. The rules established under Article 309 must comply with any applicable laws that the Legislature enacts afterward.
  5. Flexibility and adaptability: The executive authorities are given certain latitude by Article 309, which enables them to meet urgent hiring and service condition needs. In a dynamic governance context where requirements could alter over time, this flexibility is especially crucial.
  6. Ensuring Legal Compliance: The article places a strong emphasis on the necessity of abiding by the law and the Constitution in all circumstances involving the employment of public employees. It makes sure that the hiring procedure is open, inclusive, and compliant with established legal standards.


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