Article 379


Article 379 of the Indian Constitution addresses the issue of punishment for theft. This crucial legal provision outlines the consequences for individuals who engage in the act of theft within the jurisdiction of India. According to Article 379, anyone found guilty of committing theft may face punishment in the form of imprisonment, fines, or a combination of both. The maximum term of imprisonment that may be imposed is three years, reflecting the seriousness with which theft is regarded under Indian law.

What does Article 379 states?

Punishment for theft.—Whoever commits theft shall be pun­ished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.

Article 379 of the Indian Constitution is a component of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), a comprehensive legal framework that defines a variety of criminal offenses and prescribes penalties for them. This article defines theft as the unlawful taking of another person’s property without their consent and with the intent to deprive them of it permanently. The article provides the legal foundation for handling larceny cases in India.

Important considerations regarding Article 379:

  • Punishment for Theft: The article specifies that the punishment for larceny may consist of imprisonment, fines, or a combination of the two. This permits the judiciary to exercise discretion in determining the appropriate punishment for a larceny conviction, taking into account the specifics of the case and the gravity of the offense.
  • Imprisonment Term: Maximum sentence for larceny is three years in prison. In less severe cases of larceny, the court may choose to impose a lesser prison term or a fine instead.
  • Deterrent Effect: Article 379 has a deterrent effect on larceny by establishing explicit penalties for those who commit this crime. By imposing punishments, the law seeks to deter individuals from committing larceny, thereby protecting citizens’ property rights and interests.
  • Legal Framework: This article is part of the larger legal framework provided by the IPC, which addresses a variety of criminal offenses and their respective punishments. It ensures nationwide consistency and clarity in the legal treatment of larceny cases.
  • Role in Maintaining Order: Theft can disrupt social order and damage both individuals and communities. Along with other sections of the IPC, Article 379 contributes to the maintenance of order by discouraging larceny and providing legal recourse when it does occur.
  • Legal Procedure: In order to convict someone of larceny under Article 379, the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused acted with the requisite intent. The accused is entitled to an impartial trial and legal counsel.

Article 379 of the Indian Constitution addresses the punishment for theft and plays an important role in discouraging theft as a criminal offense, protecting property rights, and maintaining social order in India. It is a fundamental provision of the Indian legal system that demonstrates the commitment to upholding the rule of law and justice.


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