Category: ECONOMY

Contempt of House

The term "contempt of house" describes conduct...

Municipal Revenue

Local governments depend heavily on municipal income...

Contempt of House

The term "contempt of house" describes conduct that is disrespectful, rebellious, or disobedient toward a legislative body, such as a parliament or a congress. The integrity, authority, and efficient operation of legislative institutions depend on this idea. Contempt of the House can take many different forms, from interfering with meetings to refusing to follow instructions or procedures. Maintaining the values of democratic governance requires an understanding of the ramifications, penalties, and function of contempt of house. Disruptions and Disorderly behaviour During legislative sessions, disruptions and disorderly behaviour are frequent signs of...

Contempt of House

The term "contempt of house" describes conduct that is disrespectful, rebellious, or disobedient toward a legislative body, such as a parliament or a congress....

Municipal Revenue

Local governments depend heavily on municipal income since it provides the money needed to maintain infrastructure, provide public services, and assure a community's general...

Breach of Privilege

What does privilege breach mean? Breach of privilege refers to some of the unique rights that legislators in a parliament or assembly enjoy that are...

Individual Privilege

Individual privilege among Members of Parliament (MPs) is a complex idea that includes a range of benefits, chances, and authority related to their positions...

Collective Privilege

The idea of "collective privilege" explores the structural advantages that some communities or groups within a society enjoy. Collective privilege puts light on the...

Special Powers of...

The states and union territories of the country are represented in Rajya Sabha, the second chamber of parliament. The President of India, the Lok...

Multifunctional Role of...

A complex and dynamic component of democratic administration, the multifunctional role of parliament includes a broad range of tasks that go beyond the traditional...

Contingency Fund of...

The Indian Constitution's Article 267(2) established the Contingency Fund. The president has access to this fund, and he is permitted to use it to...

Public Account of...

A number of modifications and articles pertaining to numerous facets of India's political and economic structure are consolidated in the country's constitution. Various public...

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