Contempt of House

The term "contempt of house" describes conduct...

Breach of Privilege

What does privilege breach mean? Breach of privilege...

Contempt of House

The term "contempt of house" describes conduct that is disrespectful, rebellious, or disobedient toward a legislative body, such as a parliament or a congress. The integrity, authority, and efficient operation of legislative institutions depend on this idea. Contempt of the House can take many different forms, from interfering with meetings to refusing to follow instructions or procedures. Maintaining the values of democratic governance requires an understanding of the ramifications, penalties, and function of contempt of house. Disruptions and Disorderly behaviour During legislative sessions, disruptions and disorderly behaviour are frequent signs of...

Grants by Parliament

Grants Requests Estimates of Consolidated Fund expenditures are submitted to the Lok Sabha as Demand for Grants in accordance with Article 113 of the Constitution....

Stages in Enactment

The process of turning thoughts, plans, or policies into observable, practical results is referred to as enactment in its broadest definition. The steps in...

Charged Expenditure

Since independence, many government organizations have adopted all kinds of choices affecting India's politics, society, law, and finances while keeping the "Constitution of India"...

Joint Siting of...

The authors of the Indian Constitution intended for there to occasionally be an impasse between the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha. A joint...

Financial Bills

Money bills and taxes in the nation are approved by parliament, and only Lok Sabha is where money bills are introduced in response to...

Money Bills

The Money Bill, which addresses financial issues, is the most important component of the Union Budget. It provides information on tax revenue and government...

Ordinary Bills

"Ordinary bill" refers to a draft that is submitted by either chamber of parliament and approved by both houses. It is the kind of...

Port Trust

India's ports and shipping sector are crucial to maintaining its trade and economic expansion. There is a significant volume of container and freight traffic...


Large public corporations set up this kind of urban administration to offer civic services to their staff and employees who live in nearby housing...

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