Composition of Lok Sabha


The Lok Sabha’s maximum membership is set at 552. Out of this, 530 members will represent the states, 20 members will represent the union territories, and the remaining members. The president will propose two members from the Anglo-Indian community.

The Lok Sabha currently has 545 members. 530 of them thirteen members represent the union, and members represent the states. Lands and two members who are Anglo-Indians are proposed by the President.

State Representation

State members are chosen directly to serve in the Lok Sabha. By the residents of the state’s territorial constituencies. The idea of the universal adult franchise underpins elections. Each and every Indian citizen above the age of 18 who is A person who is ineligible under the terms of the Constitution or any law is entitled to cast a ballot in such a vote. The age of majority was lowered from by the 61st Constitutional Amendment Act of 1988, from age 21 to age 18.

Union Territories are represented

The Constitution gives the Parliament the authority to establish how the union territories are chosen to be represented in India’s Lok Sabha. Consequently, the Parliament passed the Act Concerning Union Territories (Direct Election to the People’s House), 1965 was the year that union members first entered the Lok Sabha. Direct elections are often used to select territories.

Nominated Participants

The president may suggest two Anglo-Indian members. If the community’s voice is not sufficiently heard in the Lok Sabha. This clause was originally intended to be in effect until 1960, but the 95th Amendment Act of 2009 extended it until 2020.

Key Aspect of Composition of Lok Sabha

  1. Representative Democracy: Members of Parliament (MPs) chosen by the Indian people make up the Lok Sabha. The fact that each MP speaks for a certain geographic district ensures that the public’s opinions are heard during the legislative process.
  2. Federal Structure: India’s federal structure is reflected in the Lok Sabha seat distribution, which is based on the population of each state and union territory. This guarantees that states with higher populations have greater representation while also including smaller states.
  3. Total Members: The Lok Sabha may consist of up to 552 people. Representatives from states, union territories, and nominated members are included in this total.
  4. Reserved Seats: To ensure that Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) are represented in the Parliament, some Lok Sabha seats are set aside for them. Based on the population of SCs and STs in each state and union territory, the number of reserved seats is calculated.
  5. Anglo-Indian Representation: If it is believed that the Anglo-Indian community is underrepresented in the Lok Sabha, the President of India may propose the nomination of two members from this group.
  6. Five-Year Term: Lok Sabha members are chosen for five-year terms that are followed by general elections. This regular change in MPs maintains accountability and permits individuals to occasionally express their political will.
  7. Qualifications: A person must be an Indian citizen, at least 25 years old, and entitled to vote in any parliamentary seat in the nation in order to be eligible for membership in the Lok Sabha.
  8. Speaker: The Lok Sabha chooses its own Speaker, who serves as the body’s chief executive. The Speaker is essential for upholding decorum, allocating speaking time, and ensuring that parliamentary rules and procedures are adhered to.
  9. Diversity: The Lok Sabha’s membership, which includes people from different areas, communities, and backgrounds, reflects the diversity of India’s population. The democratic system in India benefits from this diversity since it enables the expression of various viewpoints and interests.
  10. Constitutional Provisions: Articles 81 to 97 of the Indian Constitution define the makeup of the Lok Sabha. These laws specify how seats are distributed, who is eligible to join, and other crucial information about the make-up and operation of the Lok Sabha.


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