Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

The Definition of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is an international maritime zone concept that grants coastal states a specific area beyond their territorial waters where they have special rights and responsibilities for natural resource exploration and exploitation, as well as certain jurisdictional rights. The EEZ is a critical legal framework in the world’s seas that balances state sovereignty, resource management, and international cooperation. This article dives into the concept, historical evolution, legal underpinnings, ramifications, problems, and broader context of maritime governance of the EEZ.

I. The EEZ’s Historical Evolution
  • From Territorial Waters to Exclusive Economic Zones: During the second half of the twentieth century, the EEZ idea arose in response to rising demand for offshore resources. Prior to the EEZ, coastal states had control over only 12 nautical miles of territorial waters, severely limiting their rights to resources and jurisdiction.
  • The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Establishment of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) codified the EEZ as a legal framework. Articles 55 and 56 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) establish the rights and obligations of coastal nations within their EEZs, striking a difficult balance between coastal state interests and high seas freedoms.
II. EEZ Legal Foundations and Key Principles
  • Sovereign Rights and Jurisdiction: Coastal governments are allowed sovereign rights within the EEZ to explore, exploit, conserve, and manage both living and nonliving resources. They also have authority over environmental preservation, scientific research, and the construction of artificial islands and installations.
  • Balancing Coastal State Interests with Global Commons: The EEZ framework ensures that coastal nations gain economically from their neighboring waters while upholding the principle of high seas freedom. This equilibrium encourages international cooperation while preventing resource exploitation from negatively harming the global marine ecology.
III. The EEZ’s Implications and Benefits
  • Economic Prosperity: The EEZ has become a critical driver of economic growth for coastal governments, allowing them to capitalize on the potential of offshore resources including fish, minerals, oil, and gas. This economic windfall aids national growth and poverty alleviation.
  • Environmental Stewardship: The EEZ structure positions coastal governments at the forefront of environmental preservation and resource sustainability. States are driven to maintain marine biodiversity, prevent pollution, and minimize the effects of climate change by exercising sovereignty over their EEZs.
IV. Obstacles and Considerations
  • Claim Overlap and Disputes: The formation of EEZs has occasionally resulted in overlapping claims between surrounding states, resulting in diplomatic problems and even hostilities. The establishment of these zones necessitates rigorous discussion and conformity to international law.
  • Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing: EEZs must battle IUU fishing, which endangers marine ecosystems, depletes fish stocks, and undermines the economic benefits of lawful fishing.
  • Balancing Economic and Environmental Interests: Coastal nations must strike a difficult balance between extracting economic benefits from resource development and safeguarding marine ecosystem long-term survival. In order to overcome this challenge, effective governance and international cooperation are required.
V. EEZ in the Context of Broader Maritime Governance
  • Global marine Diplomacy: The EEZ is a microcosm of global marine diplomacy, representing the intricacies of sovereign rights, transboundary collaboration, and resource preservation. International organizations, bilateral agreements, and arbitration all play important roles in settling conflicts and strengthening collaboration.
  • The EEZ Framework’s Future: As climate change reshapes the waters and technology improves, the EEZ framework will evolve. The EEZ’s future trajectory will be shaped by the exploration of deep-sea resources, the development of renewable energy technologies, and the preservation of marine biodiversity.


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