Ordinary Bills


“Ordinary bill” refers to a draft that is submitted by either chamber of parliament and approved by both houses. It is the kind of proposal that is made in a legislative way when bills are introduced. No matter the circumstances of the specific states, it all depends on the various forms of legislatures they have, whether they are unicameral or potentially bicameral. With the exception of financial matters, these bills are essentially related to rules and regulations. In order to become a term of law, a “legislative proposal” must have arrived before the “Parliament” in order for it to be considered a bill. These measures address a wide range of issues outside of money-related ones.

How do Ordinary Bills work?

A bill is defined as a certain type of draft form that is submitted to “either house” of the “Parliament”. That measure received approval from both “the houses of Parliament” in order to be sent to the Indian President for his signature in accordance with Indian constitutional law.

Characteristics of Regular Bills

  1. The ordinary bill is concerned with issues other than financial property as defined by law, in accordance with articles 107 and 108 of the Indian constitution.
  2. This bill may be introduced to any one of the Parliament’s houses.
  3. The upper house has the power to disregard or amend this law.
  4. If this law was approved by the lower house of the Indian parliament, the upper house cannot reject it for more than six months.
  5. This measure was sent to the President for his official signature following approval from either the house or both houses.
  6. The President has the authority to reject or can be asked to review this measure.

Different Bills

  • The government bill and the “private member bill” are the two types of bills that rely on each other. Ordinary Bill, Money Bill, Financial Bill, and “Constitutional Amendment Bill” are the four types of bills that make up this section of the government bill. These bills are brought before the legislature for the benefit of the citizens, their nation, and its expansion and development in comparison to other nations.
  • The term “private member bill” refers to a bill that is specifically presented on Friday and concerns a respected member of parliament who does not possess a specific ministry position in the government.
  • Differentiating “Constitutional Amendment Bill” from “Ordinary Bill,” “Money Bill,” and “Finance Bill”
    • Ordinary bill: This bill does not need the president’s approval to pass; it can be supported by either or both houses. This bill’s first characteristic is that it will deal with specific elements, with the exception of financial property.
    • Money bill: This bill is typically related to the regulation, adjustment, remission, imposition, and abolition of any sort of taxation in the parliament. The government borrows money from the nation’s treasury with the aid of this bill. The president must always sign off on the bill before it becomes law in the nation.
    • Finance Bill: The finance bill is consistently framed as a “non-monetary” issue in the context of the nation’s growing monetary crisis. Because it is presented by the lower house and requires the president’s assent, this is the same as the money bill. The “lower house” has also rejected this bill, and the president may also send it for review.
    • “Constitutional Amendment Bill”: This legislation essentially calls for the amendment of a few clauses in the nation’s specific constitution. Additionally, the consent of the relevant president is not necessary for this bill. This bill relates to the division of responsibilities between “the Center” and “the States,” and thus requires approval from at most “half” of the relevant states.

Example of Ordinary Bills

Examples of ordinary bills in the nation are “The Central Universities” (Amendment) Bill in the year 2021, “The National Commission for Homeopathy” (Amendment) Bill, and “The National Commission for Indian System of Medicine” (Amendment) Bill.

Standardized number of Ordinary Bills

The “Speaker” has the power to alter this rule. According to the “Uniform Limit of Ordinary Bills,” a Bill must be distributed at least two days before the “parliament” where it will be discussed. The “MP in charge” of the “Bill” then asks for a recess so that they can deliver it. It is presented if given. This is meant to be the reading of the “Bill,” following which the “Standing Committee” will be tasked with investigating it. The esteemed committee is not permitted to accept the general justification for the “Bill.” After receiving approval, it is forwarded to the president, who has the option of approving it or rejecting it in accordance with the stated goals of the review.


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