Federal System


The constitution of India sets out how power is shared between the national government and the state governments. This is called the federal system. India has a federal form of government, which means that the central government and the state governments each have their own areas of authority.

Important parts of India’s federal structure are:

1.Division of Powers: The Constitution of India makes it clear what the national government and the state governments can and can’t do. The Union List includes things like military, foreign affairs, and money that can only be ruled by the central government. On the State List, there are things like police, public health, and farmland that only the state governments can make laws about. On the Concurrent List are things like criminal law, marriage, and bankruptcy that both the federal and state governments can make laws about.

2.Independent Judiciary: India’s federal system sets up a separate court system that analyzes and applies the law. The Supreme Court of India protects the Constitution and settles disagreements between the national government and the state governments.

3.Dual Government:

* India has two kinds of government:- The national government and the government of each state. The central government is in charge of policies and issues that affect the whole country. The state governments are in charge of issues that only affect their own states. Each stage of government has its own executive, legislature, and judicial branch.

4.Financial Relations: The Constitution sets up a system called fiscal federalism,” which says how money from the national government and the state governments will be split. The central government collects taxes and gives a portion of the money it gets to the states through grants, devolution, and finance boards, among other things.

5.Emergency Rules: The federal government lets powers be temporarily centralized in times of emergency. A state of emergency can be declared by the President of India. This gives the central government more power to deal with the issue.

India has a federal government, but there are also some things that make it a unitary country. In some cases, the central government can override what a state law says about something on the State List. It can also make new states or change the borders of current ones.

The goal of India’s federal system is to find a balance between centralizing and decentralizing power. This helps the country be both united and different.


  1. […] The Indian Constitution, which is also known as The Law of the Land, can trace its essential origins back to the year 1946, when the first meeting of the constituent assembly that took place after India was granted its independence. The Indian Constitution is also known as The Law of the Land. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was selected to serve as president of the constituent assembly. The concept of providing clarity about constitutional supremacy called for a written representation, and as a result, on August 29, 1947, a committee charged with writing was established. In order to create a constitution that is both permanent and well-organized, Dr. BR Ambedkar was chosen to lead the Drafting Committee as its Chairman. The drafting committee of the constitution retained its attention on the fundamental aspects of the document, which were a Republican state, the supremacy of parliament, an independent judicial system, fundamental rights, and a federal system. […]


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