Features of the Constitution


The highest law in India is the Constitution, which was passed on January 26, 1950. It is one of the longest and most thorough constitutions in the world. It is the basis for how India is governed. The Indian Constitution has some important parts, such as:

1.Long Preamble: The Constitution starts with a Preamble that explains the Indian state’s goals and guiding concepts, such as justice, freedom, equality, and brotherhood.

2.Federal Structure: India has a quasi-federal structure, which means that the national government and the state governments each have some of the power. But the Constitution gives the central government more power, which makes it more united in times of crisis.

3.Parliamentary System: India has a parliamentary system of government. The President is the head of state, and the Prime Minister is the head of government. The Prime Minister is the leader of the largest party in the Lok Sabha (Lower House).

4.Fundamental Rights: The Constitution gives its people a number of fundamental rights, such as the right to equality, the right to free speech and expression, the right to life and personal freedom, the right not to be exploited, and the right to religious freedom.

5.Directive Principles of State Policy: The Constitution includes Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP), which are non-justiciable principles that guide the government in making policy and aim to promote social and economic justice, welfare, and the general growth of society.

6.Independent Judiciary: An independent judiciary is set up by the Constitution to protect the rights and freedoms of people. The Supreme Court of India is the top court in the country.

7.Fundamental Duties: The Constitution gives people a list of fundamental duties to help them feel responsible and proud of their country.

8.Single Citizenship: Unlike some federal systems, where people can have both national and state citizenship, all Indian citizens only have one citizenship.

9.Universal Adult Suffrage : Every adult Indian person over the age of 18 has the right to vote in elections. This is one of the biggest examples of democratic voting in the world.

10.Emergency Provisions: The Constitution has provisions for three types of emergencies: national emergency, state emergency (President’s Rule), and financial emergency. These are used to deal with unusual conditions.

11.Procedure for changing the Constitution: The Constitution can be changed to fit new situations. But some changes need a certain number of votes in Parliament, and others need to be approved by a certain number of state governments.

12.Secular State: The Constitution says that India is a secular state. This means that the state is neutral when it comes to religion and that all religions get the same respect and safety.

These things have had a big impact on India’s political system and its progress since it became independent. The Constitution has been changed several times over the years to deal with new problems and keep up with the changing social and political environment of the country.



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