Parliamentary System


India has a democratic government called the parliamentary system. The President of India is the head of state, and the Prime Minister is the head of government. India uses the dual executive approach, in which the President and the Prime Minister share power.

Here are some of the most important parts of India’s political system:

1.India’s Parliament is made up of two houses: the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (House of the People). The Rajya Sabha speaks for the states and union territories, while the Lok Sabha speaks for the people who were directly chosen by the states and union territories.

2.The President is the ceremonial head of state: He or she is chosen by an electoral college made up of members of both houses of Parliament and state governments. The President’s job is mostly symbolic, and he or she doesn’t have a lot of power.

3.What the Prime Minister does: The President chooses the Prime Minister, who is in charge of the government. Most of the time, the Prime Minister is the head of the party or alliance of parties that has the most seats in the Lok Sabha. The Prime Minister has real executive power and is in charge of running the country day-to-day.

4.Council of Ministers: The other ministers on the Council of Ministers are chosen by the Prime Minister. They are in charge of different ministries and government offices. The President gets advice and choices from the Council of Ministers.

5.Parliamentary meetings: The President calls meetings of Parliament to order. There are two different kinds of sessions: the Budget Session and the Monsoon Session. During these meetings, important policy and legislative issues are talked about and argued.

6.The legislative process: The Parliament is in charge of making laws. Bills can be presented in either house, and they go through several stages of scrutiny, including readings, committee reviews, and voting. If both houses agree on a bill, it goes to the President to be signed into law.

7.Question Hour: During Parliament sessions, MPs can ask ministers questions about government policies, actions, and current problems during Question Hour. This is an important part of holding parliamentarians accountable and keeping an eye on them.

8.Vote of Confidence: A vote of confidence can be taken in the Parliament about the Prime Minister and the government. If the government loses the majority in the Lok Sabha or fails to win a vote of confidence, it may have to quit.

9.Role of the Opposition: The parliamentary system allows for an active opposition, which plays a key role in questioning and examining the government’s actions, offering alternative policies, and holding the government accountable.

India has a federal structure, which means that the national government and the state governments share power. The Rajya Sabha makes sure that states are represented in the parliament because it is a place where states can talk about their interests and worries.

It’s important to remember that the Indian parliamentary system has changed over time and is affected by the Constitution of India and various parliamentary practices and traditions.



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