Adjournment vs Prorogation


The processes of adjournment and prorogation are crucial to the operation of the legislature in parliamentary systems of government, such as the Westminster type used by many nations, including the United Kingdom and India. Although they both refer to the interruption or end of legislative sessions, the terminology have different connotations, objectives, and effects.


A legislative body may adjourn a single sitting or session after a brief pause or suspension of the proceedings. In parliamentary processes, it happens regularly and serves a number of reasons:

Breaks Between Sittings: During the course of a single day’s session, adjournments permit scheduled breaks. The option to rest, recharge, and partake in other activities is given during these periods for the legislators.

Orderly Conduct: The presiding authority, such as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha in India or the Speaker of the House of Commons in the UK, may call an adjournment in order to uphold decorum and order in the chamber. For instance, the Speaker may temporarily adjourn the house if there is disorderly behavior in order to regain control.

Division of Business: The legislative agenda may occasionally be broken up into distinct sessions, with adjournments separating each part. For instance, a session might open with Question Hour before moving on to arguments and bill votes. The changeover between these tasks may be signaled by adjournments.

Technical or Administrative Reasons: Adjournments might also happen for technical or administrative reasons, such the necessity to prepare papers or organize the session’s logistics.

Flexibility: The scheduling of legislative work is made flexible through adjournments, which permit changes based on the agenda and the state of the talks.


On the other hand, prorogation signifies the formal and final end of a parliamentary session. Prorogation signifies the end of a session, and until a new session is called, the legislative body is no longer in existence. Prorogation has significant ramifications and performs certain functions:

  • End of Session: Prorogation marks the end of a specific legislative session, which is frequently connected to the conclusion of the session’s legislative agenda.
  • Royal Assent (in the UK): Prorogation is followed in the UK by the formal granting of royal assent to legislation that has been approved by both houses of Parliament. Bills must have royal assent in order to become law. The opportunity for this formality to occur is made possible by prorogation.
  • Agenda Reset: The legislative body’s agenda may be reset during a prorogation. It is customary for the government to propose a fresh legislative agenda, such as the Queen’s Speech in the UK, detailing its policy priorities for the session when a new session is called following prorogation.
  • Addressing Constitutional Issues: Prorogation has been the subject of political and constitutional debates in certain countries. Prorogation, for instance, was a hot topic in the UK in 2019 when the Prime Minister’s proposal for one was contested in court on the basis of timing and intent.

Important Differences and Consequences

After examining the definitions and goals of adjournment and prorogation, let’s discuss their main distinctions and ramifications:

  1. Nature and Timeframe:
    • Temporary adjournments might take place several times during a single session or sitting.
    • Until a new session is called, all legislative operations come to a permanent end with prorogation.
  2. Frequency:
    • During parliamentary sessions, adjournments are routine and routinely happen, frequently every day.
    • The prorogation of a parliamentary session, which might linger for months or even years, is a rather unusual occurrence.
  3. Legislation is impacted:
    • Legislative business or the status of bills are unaffected by adjournment. It permits the continuation of unfinished business in the following meeting.
    • All unfinished legislative business is terminated by prorogation. The discussion of any bills or motions that weren’t approved is basically over.
  4. Role of the Presiding Officer:
    • A session may be adjourned at any time, usually at the presiding officer’s discretion.
    • It takes a proclamation or declaration to formally dissolve the session after a prorogation, which is a formal move frequently started by the head of state or government.
  5. Continuing Business:
    • Following the term of adjournment, legislative business may be resumed.
    • A new session must be formally called after a prorogation, with a new legislative agenda and priorities.


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