Article 68 of the Indian Constitution is a significant provision that addresses the critical aspect of holding elections to fill a vacancy in the office of the Vice President of India. This constitutional article lays down the timeframe and process for conducting such elections, ensuring a timely and efficient succession to this vital constitutional office.

What does Article 68 states ?

Time of holding election to fill vacancy in the office of Vice President and the term of office of person elected to fill casual vacancy

(1) An election to fill a vacancy caused by the expiration of the term of office of Vice President shall be completed before the expiration of the term

(2) An election to fill a vacancy in the office of Vice President occurring by reason of his death, resignation or removal, or otherwise shall be held as soon as possible after the occurrence of the vacancy, and the person elected to fill the vacancy shall, subject to the provisions of Article 67, be entitled to hold office for the full term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office.

Time of Holding Election to Fill Vacancy :-
  • Article 68 of the Indian Constitution stipulates that when a vacancy occurs in the office of the Vice President due to resignation, death, removal, or any other reason, a new Vice President is elected to fill the vacancy. The election to choose the new Vice President must be held within a reasonable period, which is generally interpreted as six months from the date of the vacancy.
  • The provision of holding the election within six months ensures that the office of the Vice President does not remain vacant for an extended period. It also guarantees continuity and stability in the country’s governance by promptly filling the position with a duly elected Vice President

Term of the Person Elected to Fill Casual Vacancy :-

  • The person elected to fill a casual vacancy in the office of the Vice President serves the remainder of the term of the previous Vice President. In other words, they serve only for the unexpired period of the original Vice President’s term.
  • For instance, if the previous Vice President had served three years of their five-year term before the vacancy occurred, the person elected to fill the casual vacancy will serve the remaining two years of the term.
  • The provision ensures that the stability and continuity of the office of the Vice President are maintained. It also upholds the principles of democratic governance, as the new Vice President‘s term is limited to the unexpired portion of the original Vice President‘s term, ensuring that the office is subject to regular elections after the completion of the term.


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