Article 69 of the Indian Constitution addresses the vice president‘s oath or affirmation. The vice president holds the second-highest constitutional office, and is first in the line of succession to the presidency, after the president. In addition to serving as the Rajya Sabha’s ex officio chairman, the vice president is a member of the Indian Parliament. Also, in the absence of the President, the vice-president assumes the duties and responsibilities of India’s chief executive. Consequently, like any other government official, he must vow and affirm that he/she will perform the duties as required.

What does Article 69 states ?

Oath or affirmation by the Vice President

  • Every Vice President shall, before entering upon his office, make and subscribe before the President, or some person appointed in that behalf by him, an oath or affirmation in the following form, that is to say swear in the name of God I, A B, do that solemnly affirm will bear true faith, and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established and that I will faithfully discharge the duty upon which I am about to enter.
Key points about oath of vice – president
1. Presidential PresenceAs per Article 69, the Vice President is required to take the oath or affirmation in the presence of the President of India. Alternatively, the President can appoint some person to administer the oath on their behalf.
2. Oath WordingThe oath’s wordings are there in the constitution and the vice president must adhere to it.
3. Meaning and IntentThe oath-taking ceremony symbolizes the Vice President‘s pledge to faithfully execute their duties and responsibilities
4. SignificanceThe oath-taking ceremony is a public demonstration of the Vice President‘s acceptance of the responsibilities
5. AdministrationUsually, the President of India administers the oath to the Vice President. The ceremony takes place in a dignified and formal setting, reflecting the solemnity of the occasion.
6. Oath of Office vs. Oath of SecrecyThe Vice President takes the oath of office, ministers take the oath of office and secrecy, binding them to maintain confidentiality in matters of state.


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