Shilpy Gupta

written articles

Municipal Revenue

Local governments depend heavily on municipal income since it provides the money needed to maintain infrastructure, provide public services, and assure a community's general...

Special Purpose Agency

Special Purpose Agencies (SPAs) are a crucial part of contemporary administration and government. These specialist organizations are frequently founded outside the scope of conventional...

Notified Area Committee

Notified Area Committees (NACs) are essential to the governance of many nations at the local level, especially India. NACs are local organizations for urban...

Metropolitan Planning Committee

Modern civilization is powered by metropolitan regions, which are centers of invention, culture, and economic expansion. However, their quick growth frequently brings up urban...

Port Trust

India's ports and shipping sector are crucial to maintaining its trade and economic expansion. There is a significant volume of container and freight traffic...


Large public corporations set up this kind of urban administration to offer civic services to their staff and employees who live in nearby housing...

Cantonment Board

For municipal management of the civilian population living in the cantonment region, a cantonment board is established. It was established in accordance with the...

Town Area Committee

A small town's administration is handled by a town area committee. It is a semi municipal entity that is responsible for a select few...

Municipal corporation

Municipal corporations play a crucial role in India's system of urban government since they are in charge of overseeing and offering basic services to...

Municipal council

Municipal councils are essential to the growth and management of cities and towns all over the world. Depending on where you live and the...

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