Fundamental Rights


Part III of the Indian Constitution is where the country’s fundamental rights are written down. People believe that these rights are important for their growth and well-being, and they are supposed to protect their dignity, freedom, and equality. The following basic rights are protected by the Constitution of India:

1.Right to Equality (Articles 14–18): Makes sure that everyone is treated equally before the law and forbids prejudice based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. It also makes sure that everyone is treated equally by the law and bans any kind of untouchability or titles of royalty.

2.Right to Freedom (Articles 19–22): Gives Indian people a number of freedoms, such as the freedom to speak and write, gather, join groups, move around, and live where they want. It also includes the freedom to work in any job, trade, business, or career.

3.Right against Exploitation (Articles 23 and 24): This bans the trade of people and forced labor (Article 23), and it also bans child labor (Article 24).

4.Right to Freedom of faith (Articles 25–28): This guarantees freedom of conscience and the right to freely profess, practice, and spread any faith. It also protects people from different religions and cultures.

5.Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29-30): Protects the cultural, linguistic, and educational rights of minorities.

6.Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32): This makes sure that people can go to the Supreme Court of India to have their basic rights protected. This right is called the “heart and soul” of the Indian Constitution because it lets people go to court if their basic rights are violated.

These basic rights are not absolute; they can be limited in some sensible ways to protect public order, morality, security, and India’s sovereignty and integrity. But the Constitution says that any rule or action that goes against these basic rights can be thrown out by the courts.

It’s important to remember that only Indian citizens have access to basic rights. Foreigners and other people who are not citizens do not have these rights. The Constitution also protects the interests of tribal groups and people who are less fortunate by making exceptions and special rules for them.


  1. […] Keshvananda Bharati is a landmark case, and the Supreme Court’s ruling outlined the fundamental structure doctrine of the Constitution. In the case of Keshavananda Bharati, the bench rendered a decision that was both original and considerate. The 700-page judgment included a resolution for both Parliament’s right to amend laws and citizens’ right to preserve Fundamental Rights. […]


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