Indian Penal Code 228A


Indian Penal Code Section 228A:

Disclosure of the identity of victims of certain crimes, etc. —
(1) Whoever prints or publishes the name or any matter that may reveal the identity of any person against whom an offense under section 376, section 376A, section 376B, section 376C, or section 376D is alleged or found to have been committed (hereinafter referred to as the victim) shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to a fine.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to any printing or publication of the victim’s name or any information that may reveal his or her identity if the printing or publication:

(a) by or under the written order of the officer in command of the police station or the police officer conducting a good faith investigation into the offense; or

(b) by the victim or with the victim’s written consent; or

(c) where the victim is deceased, a minor, or of unsound mind, by or with the written consent of the victim’s next of kin; provided that such consent shall not be given by the next of kin to anyone other than the chairman or secretary, by whatever name called, of any recognized welfare institution or organization. Explanation.—”recognized welfare institution or organization” denotes a social welfare institution or organization that has been recognized in this capacity by the Central or State Government.

(3) Whoever prints or publishes any matter relating to a proceeding before a court in relation to an offense described in subsection (1) without the prior permission of such court shall be punished with imprisonment of either kind for a term that may not exceed two years and shall also be liable to a fine. The act of printing or publishing a judgment of a High Court or Supreme Court does not constitute an offense under the terms of this section.]


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