Indian Penal Code Section 383


Indian Penal Code Section 383:

Extortion.—A person is guilty of “extortion” if he or she intentionally places another person in fear of injury to themselves or others, and then dishonestly induces that person to deliver to another person any property or valuable security, or anything signed or sealed that can be converted into a valuable security. Illustrations
a. A threatens to publish a defamatory libel about Z if Z does not pay him. Thus, he convinces Z to hand him money. A has engaged in extortion.
(b) A threatens Z that he will unlawfully confine Z’s child unless Z signs and delivers to A a promissory note obligating Z to pay certain funds to A. Z signs the note and delivers it. A has engaged in extortion.

A induces Z to sign the bond by threatening to dispatch club-men to plough up Z’s field if Z does not sign and deliver to B a bond committing Z under penalty to deliver certain produce to B. A has engaged in extortion.

A deceives Z into signing or affixing his seal to a void document and delivering it to him by threatening him with grave injury. Z signs the document and delivers it to A. In this case, the signed paper may be converted into a valuable security. A has engaged in extortion.


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