International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)


A prominent research organization called the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) is instrumental in enhancing agricultural productivity, adaptability, and livelihoods in dry and arid regions all over the world. Since its founding in 1977, ICARDA has been doing ground-breaking research, fostering collaborations, and creating solutions to the particular problems that farmers and communities in these areas confront.

A nonprofit organization called the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) works to improve food security, economic viability, and environmental sustainability in arid and dry areas. Its main goal is to create and advance novel farming methods that are suited to the difficult environmental circumstances in these areas.

Mission and Objective

ICARDA’s purpose is to increase human welfare in arid regions by boosting agricultural output, adaptability, and sustainability. Its goals include creating and disseminating superior crop types, cutting-edge farming techniques, and sustainable methods for managing the environment.

Research Focus Areas

ICARDA conducts research on a variety of subjects that are crucial for dry-land agriculture that is sustainable, including:

  1. Crop Improvement: The main goal of ICARDA is to create crop types that are resilient to the challenging conditions of arid regions. These include feed crops for cattle as well as grains like wheat, barley, and lentils.
  2. Water management: Research in this subject focuses on developing effective irrigation methods, water-saving measures, and long-term water management strategies to alleviate water constraint.
  3. Production of Livestock: ICARDA aims to increase the production and adaptability of livestock in arid regions, enhancing food security and the standard of living for pastoral communities.
  4. Climate Change Adaption: Research investigates how agricultural systems can adapt to changing climatic circumstances, strengthening resistance against extreme weather events and changing temperature trends.
  5. Biodiversity conservation: ICARDA works to protect and make use of crop genetic diversity, ensuring that robust plant materials are available for breeding and research.
  6. Nutrition and Food Security: The organization works to combat the issue of malnutrition by encouraging the growth of nutrient-dense crops and enhancing food systems in arid regions.
  7. Socioeconomic Development: With an emphasis on enhancing livelihoods and lowering poverty, ICARDA’s research examines the socioeconomic facets of agriculture in arid regions.
Achievements and influence

The work of ICARDA has had a substantial influence on agriculture, livelihoods, and environmental sustainability:

  1. Crop Varietal Releases: The creation and spread of new crop varieties have helped farmers in arid places produce more and be more resilient.
  2. Water-Efficient Technologies: Technologies that are water-efficient have been adopted as a result of ICARDA’s research, which has helped to save water resources.
  3. Livestock production: Enhanced breeding techniques and livestock management techniques have increased the production and adaptability of cattle in dry regions.
  4. Agriculture that is climate-resilient: According to ICARDA’s research, farmers should embrace climate-smart agricultural methods to help them meet the difficulties of a changing climate.
  5. Building Capacity: ICARDA provides local farmers, researchers, and extension personnel with the knowledge and abilities necessary to apply sustainable agricultural practices through training and capacity-building programs.
Partnerships & Collaborations

ICARDA collaborates with a variety of stakeholders to increase its impact:

  1. Collaboration with the CGIAR: The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), which promotes teamwork in addressing global agricultural concerns, includes ICARDA as a member.
  2. National Governments: Working together with governments in arid regions makes sure that research reflects national priorities and helps to shape policy.
  3. Research Institutions: To tackle complex agricultural issues, collaborations with research institutions around the world make use of their knowledge-sharing, resources, and experience.
  4. Farmers and Communities: Farmers and local communities are actively involved in ICARDA’s research procedures and the dissemination of contextually pertinent information.
Possibilities and Obstacles

As ICARDA works to further its goal, it must contend with a number of possibilities and obstacles.

  1. Water Scarcity: The persistent problem of water scarcity in arid regions calls for the creation of creative water management strategies and effective irrigation techniques.
  2. Variability in the climate: To adapt agriculture to shifting climatic patterns, continual study and the support of resilient farming systems are needed.
  3. Resource Degradation: In order to assure long-term production, sustainable land management techniques must be developed to address soil degradation and the depletion of natural resources.
  4. Capacity Building: Building capacity is still essential for the successful use of sustainable agriculture methods. This includes enhancing the abilities of local communities, researchers, and policymakers.
  5. Gender and Inclusion: Achieving sustainable and equitable results requires ensuring the participation and empowerment of women and marginalized groups in agricultural development.


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