Indian Penal Code Section 99


Indian Penal Code Section 99: Acts against which a private defense is not permitted.—No one has the right to self-defense against a public official acting in good faith and in the course of his employment even though the action is not strictly justified by the law if it does not legitimately give rise to fear of death or great bodily harm. Even if a public servant acting in good faith and in the course of his employment directs an action that does not strictly comply with the law, there is no right of private defense against that action if it does not reasonably raise the possibility of death or great bodily harm. When there is time to seek out the protection of the government, there is no such thing as a right to private defense. Limitations on how far the right can be used. In no circumstances does the right to private defense include the ability to cause more harm than is necessary to achieve a defensive goal.

Explanation 1: Unless a person knows or has reason to think that the person performing the act is a public worker, they are not denied the right to private defense against an act done, or tried to be done, by a public servant as such.

Explanation 2. A person is not deprive­d of the right to private defense against an act done, or attempted to be done, under the direction of a public servant unless he knows, or has reason to believe, that the person doing the act is acting under such direction, unless such person states the authority under which he acts, or unless he produces such authority, if demanded.


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