Kitchen Cabinet


The cabinet is the highest official decision-making body. It is a small body led by the prime minister and composed of 15 to 20 of the most significant ministries. Nevertheless, a smaller a structure known as the “Inner Cabinet” or the “Kitchen Cabinet” has changed the actual source of authority. This unofficial group includes the Prime Minister and two to four powerful associates that he has who shares his religion and with whom he may discuss any issue. It recommends the when it comes to crucial political and administrative matters, the prime minister helps him make important judgments. It is made up of more than only both insiders like friends and family and outsiders like cabinet ministers the prime minister’s cabinet.

Every Indian prime minister has had “Inner Cabinet” an internal circle. When Indira Gandhi was in power, the “Inner Cabinet”, later known as the “Kitchen Cabinet,” was especially potent. The Prime Ministers have used the “inner dialogue” technique. ‘cabinet’ (extra-constitutional body) because of its advantages, namely:

  1. Because it is a small entity, decision-making is significantly more effective than a huge cabinet, body.
  1. It can convene more frequently and conduct considerably more business quicker than the big cabinet, actually.
  1. It aids the prime minister in upholding confidentiality when making judgments on crucial political topics.

But it also has a lot of flaws. Thus,

  1. It lowers the cabinet’s standing and power as the highest governing body.
  1. By permitting other parties, it evades the legal system. To exert influence over how the government runs. The ‘kitchen cabinet’ phenomena (where decisions are made) a meal prepared and presented to the cabinet for official approval) is not exclusive to India. It is also present in the USA and the UK, and it is quite powerful in that country’s decision-making processes.

Key Aspects of Kitchen Cabinet

  1. Power Concentration: The Inner Cabinet, which frequently consists of the Prime Minister and a small group of chosen officials, concentrates power in the hands of a select few. This has the potential to be both a strength and a weakness since it makes decision-making more flexible, but it may also be perceived as undemocratic if it eschews established governmental procedures.
  2. Informal nature: The Inner Cabinet is an informal gathering, unlike the official Cabinet, which normally consists of nominated government ministers with particular ministries. This informality can promote quicker choices by encouraging more open communication and reducing administrative red tape.
  3. Trust and Loyalty: Members of the Inner Cabinet are chosen based on their loyalty and level of trust with the Prime Minister. This can strengthen the relationship of trust between them and make it easier for the prime minister to rely on them for candid advice.
  4. Lack of Transparency: The Inner Cabinet’s informality might lead to questions regarding accountability and transparency. It’s possible that this group’s decisions won’t be scrutinized and held to the same standards of accountability as those made by the regular Cabinet.
  5. Possibility of Nepotism: According to your remark, members of the Inner Cabinet may be close friends and adherents of the Prime Minister’s religion. Personal trust is crucial, but there is a risk of nepotism or bias in such decisions, which can be controversial politically.
  6. Policy Influence: The Inner Cabinet frequently exerts significant political and administrative influence. The Prime Minister’s decisions on important policy matters may be influenced by their suggestions and conversations. Depending on the makeup and goals of the Inner Cabinet, this can be viewed as both a source of efficiency and a possible source of bias.
  7. Find a balance with the Official Cabinet: It’s crucial to find a balance between the influence of the Inner Cabinet and the responsibilities of the Official Cabinet. The formal Cabinet, made up of appointed ministers, is responsible to the legislature and plays a crucial role in governing, even though the Inner Cabinet may offer insightful opinions.


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