Parliamentary System


In a democratic system known as a parliamentary one, the legislature serves as both the executive branch’s source of authority and its final arbiter. The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and India are just a few of the nations that use this method. We will examine the main characteristics, benefits, drawbacks, and variants of the parliamentary system.

Principal Components of a Parliamentary System

  1. Head of State and Head of Government: The roles of the head of state and head of government are separate in a parliamentary system. In parliamentary republics or constitutional monarchies, the ceremonial president or monarch is frequently the head of state, while the leader of the majority party in the legislature serves as the head of government.
  2. Legislative Body: The legislature may be either bicameral (two chambers, often a lower house and an upper house) or unicameral (a single chamber). Typically, the lower house—the equivalent of the UK’s House of Commons—is the main legislative body.
  3. Executive-Parliamentary Linkage: The executive branch, which is headed by the prime minister or someone of similar authority, is in close contact with the legislature. The prime minister is in charge of creating the government and is normally the leader of the lower house majority party.
  4. Collective Responsibilities: In a parliamentary system, the legislature is the executive’s primary source of accountability. This indicates that a majority of lawmakers agree with the government’s decisions and actions. The government might be forced to resign if it loses a vote of confidence.
  5. No Fixed Term: There is no fixed term for the executive under parliamentary systems, in contrast to presidential systems. The legislature has the power to dissolve the government and install a new one at any time with a vote of no confidence.

Advantages of a Parliamentary System

  1. Accountability: Accountability is emphasized under parliamentary systems since the legislature is the government’s final arbiter. This accountability aids in maintaining the government’s responsiveness to the people’s wishes.
  2. Flexibility: Since there are no set terms, it is possible to react quickly to developing situations. A government can be overthrown without having to hold off until the next scheduled election if it loses the majority of support.
  3. Stability: Because the administration may sustain support as long as it has a majority in the legislature, parliamentary systems frequently have greater stability than presidential ones. As a result, political crises and gridlock are less likely.
  4. Cooperative Governance: The strong collaboration between the executive and legislative branches promotes cooperation and consensus-building. This might result in better governance.
  5. Power Transitions Are Easier: Since the incoming government is typically well-prepared to take office, power transfers in parliamentary systems are typically easier and less likely to spark conflict.

The drawbacks of a parliamentary system include

  1. Weak Separation of Powers: Because the executive and legislative branches are interwoven, some contend that the parliamentary system lacks a strong separation of powers. This might pave the way for power abuses.
  2. Majority Party Dominance: In a parliamentary system, the majority party or coalition has a lot of influence. Smaller parties may be marginalized by this dominance, which could reduce representation.
  3. Inefficient Opposition: An ineffective opposition can sometimes be stifled by a strong majority government, which reduces the effectiveness of checks and balances.
  4. Party discipline: In a parliamentary system, members of parliament (MPs) are frequently expected to vote along party lines, which restricts their capacity to independently reflect the opinions of their people.
  5. Potential for Instability: Votes of no confidence that result in quick changes of power might cause political unrest and frequent elections.

Different Parliamentary Systems

Different countries have different parliamentary systems in terms of certain elements and customs. Here are a few noteworthy exceptions:

  1. Constitutional Monarchy vs. Parliamentary Republic: In some parliamentary systems, such as the United Kingdom, there is a constitutional monarch as the head of state. Others, like Germany, are parliamentary republics with ceremonial presidents.
  2. Bicameral vs. Unicameral: Some countries have a bicameral legislature with both a lower and upper house, while others have a unicameral legislature.
  3. First-Past-the-Post vs. Proportional Representation: There are different ways to choose parliamentarians. Some countries use proportional representation, which tends to result in more diverse representation, while others use first-past-the-post, which often favors larger parties.
  4. Coalition Governments: In multiparty systems, coalition governments are common. These involve multiple parties coming together to form a government when no single party has a majority.
  5. Vote of No Confidence: The threshold and process for passing a vote of no confidence can differ from one country to another.

Examples of Parliamentary Systems

  1. United Kingdom: The United Kingdom has a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. The monarch is the head of state, and the prime minister is the head of government. The House of Commons is the primary legislative body.
  2. Canada: Canada also has a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. The Canadian Parliament consists of the House of Commons (elected) and the Senate (appointed). The prime minister is the head of government.
  3. India: India is a parliamentary republic with a president as the head of state and a prime minister as the head of government. The Parliament of India consists of the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States).
  4. Germany: Germany is a parliamentary republic with a president as the head of state and a chancellor as the head of government. The Bundestag (Federal Diet) is the lower house of the German Parliament.
  5. Australia: Australia has a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. The Australian Parliament consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The prime minister is the head of government.


  1. […] body has a chance to be heard. Minority parties or individual members may use these strategies in parliamentary systems to prolong discussion, examine proposed legislation, and provide opposing opinions. They do this in […]


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