India’s government started the ambitious Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) in 2018 to change the agricultural environment and improve the country’s agricultural economy. Seeing how important farmers are to making sure there is enough food, PM-AASHA tried to give farmers a safety net, make sure they got fair prices for their crops, and increase their total income. This piece looks at PM-AASHA and how it affects the lives of Indian farmers and the food security of the country.

Background of PM-AASHA
  • Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy, feeding millions of people and making a big difference in the GDP of the country. But the farm industry has been facing a number of problems, such as crop prices that go up and down, a lack of access to markets, and a reliance on brokers. Because of these problems, farmers are easy to take advantage of and easy to get into debt traps.
  • The Indian government came up with PM-AASHA to help farmers deal with these problems and improve their lives. It includes the Price Support Scheme (PSS), the Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS), and the Private Procurement and Stockist Scheme (PPSS). Each of these schemes is meant to help farms improve their income and social stability.
Price Support Scheme (PSS)
  • Under the Price Support Scheme, the government ensures that certain farm goods will get at least the Minimum Support Prices (MSP). The MSP is a fixed price that the government sets to make sure farmers get a fair return on their investment and hard work. When market costs are lower than the MSP, government agencies buy the food straight from the farmers at the MSP.
  • This keeps farmers from being pushed to sell their crops at low prices and helps keep market prices stable. It also gives farmers a safety net, which protects their income and makes them less likely to lose money when prices change.
PDPS stands for Price Deficiency Payment Scheme.
  • Under the PSS, the Price Deficiency Payment Scheme is an option to buying crops in person. Here, the difference between the MSP and the real market price is sent straight from the government to the farmers’ bank accounts. So, farmers can choose to sell their goods on the open market and still get the MSP for them.
  • PDPS is especially helpful for crops with a short shelf life or that are grown in excess. It encourages private trade and gives farmers access to a bigger market while making sure they get paid the same amount as the MSP.
Private Procurement & Stockist Scheme (PPSS).
  • The goal of the Private Procurement and Stockist Scheme is to use the knowledge of private players and organizations in the farming industry. Under this plan, private companies are in charge of buying goods at the MSP. This gives the PSS a competitive edge in the market. This makes it more likely for private companies to invest in agriculture. It also makes it easier for government agencies to get what they need
How it was done and what happened
  • Since it began, PM-AASHA has made a lot of progress in changing the Indian agriculture environment. It has been put into place successfully in many states, helping millions of people and making their lives better.
  • One of the best things about PM-AASHA is that it gives farmers more ways to sell their crops. They can sell their crops straight to government departments through the MSP or to private buyers on the open market through the PDPS. This makes sure that farmers aren’t limited to just one way to sell their crops, so they can make decisions based on how the market is moving.
  • PM-AASHA has also made farmers less reliant on brokers, who often take advantage of them by paying them low prices for their crops. With direct purchasing at MSP and direct payment to their bank accounts, farmers now have a system that is clear, works well, and protects their interests.
  • Food security is another important thing that PM-AASHA has changed. The plan has helped keep a steady supply of necessary goods on the market by making sure farmers get fair prices for their crops and encouraging them to grow more. This has a good effect on food prices and supply, which is good for customers in both rural and urban areas.

The Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) has become a changing program that gives farmers more power and makes sure India has enough food. By giving farmers a safety net through the MSP, giving them choices for how to sell their crops, and getting the business sector involved, PM-AASHA has made a good change in the agricultural sector. To keep and improve the scheme’s effects, it is important to keep track of it, make changes to its policies, and work to improve infrastructure and market links. With a strong focus on the welfare of farmers, PM-AASHA opens the way for India’s farming economy to be strong and grow.


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