

The Constitution of India starts with a sentence called the Preamble. It was put into place on November 26, 1949, and it is the heart and soul of the Indian Constitution. The Preamble talks about the ideas and goals that the people who wrote the Constitution had for the Indian people.

*This is what the Preamble says:

“We, the people of India, have decided to make India a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and give all its citizens:

Social, economic, and political justice;

Freedom to think, speak, believe, have faith, and worship;

Status and chance for everyone to be the same;

And to get the word out to all of them;

Fraternity, which protects the honor of each person and the unity and integrity of the country;

On November 26, 1949, in our Constituent Assembly, we adopted, made law, and gave ourselves this Constitution.

In the Preamble, the most important ideas are:

1.Independent: India is an independent country with its own government and power.
2.Socialist: India wants to build a society based on socialism, in which everyone has the same amount of wealth, resources, and chances.
3.Secular: India is a secular country, which means that all religions are treated fairly and the government doesn’t take sides when it comes to religion.
4.Democratic: India is a democratic country, which means that the people have the power to run the government and pick representatives to do so.
5.Republic: India is a republic, which means the head of state is chosen and there is no monarchy that is passed down from generation to generation.
6.Justice: India wants to make sure that all of its people have social, economic, and political justice.
7.Liberty: India gives its people the freedom to think, speak, believe, have faith, and worship. This gives them basic freedoms.
8.Equality: India works to make sure that all of its people have the same rights and opportunities.
9.Fraternity: India wants to encourage a sense of brotherhood and unity among its many different people. This protects each person’s honor and the integrity of the country as a whole.
The Preamble helps people figure out how to read and understand the Constitution and other rules of the country. It shows the hopes and goals of the people of India for a fair, democratic, and inclusive society.



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