Question Hour


In many democracies throughout the world, including the United Kingdom, India, Australia, and others, Question Time is a vital and crucial component of legislative proceedings. Members of the legislative body have a set time during a parliamentary session during which they can question government officials. We shall examine the idea of Question Hour, its significance, practices, goals, and function in a parliamentary system in this article.

Definition and Objectives

Question Hour is a period of parliamentary business set aside for interrogating members of the executive, primarily ministers. It accomplishes a number of critical tasks:

  1. Accountability: Holding the government responsible for its deeds and choices is one of the main objectives of Question Hour. Parliamentarians have the ability to ask questions in order to obtain clarifications, facts, and arguments for government policies, actions, and expenditures.
  2. Transparency: Question Period encourages openness in government affairs. It enables elected officials to examine governmental operations and makes sure that important data is made accessible to the public through legislative records.
  3. Information Gathering: Parliamentarians utilize Question Time to acquire information that may be helpful for oversight, policymaking, or public awareness. The answers to the questions reveal information on the priorities and decision-making procedures of the government.
  4. Discussion and Debate: Frequently, the responses given during Question Hour serve as the foundation for further debates and discussions in the legislature. It enables a deeper investigation of important national concerns.

Procedures and structures

Different parliamentary systems have different rules and structures for Question Hour. The fundamental ideas, however, are constant:

  1. Question Submission: A few days or weeks prior to the scheduled Question Hour, members of parliament (MPs) submit their questions. Oral or written queries are both acceptable.
  2. Categorization of Questions: The nature and intricacy of the questions determine how they are divided into several groups. In many parliaments, there are three categories for questions:
    • Starred Questions: These are frequently more difficult or important questions that call for oral responses in the home.
    • Unstarred Questions: These call for written responses and are frequently easier or less urgent.
    • Short Notice Questions: These are urgent questions that are presented on short notice. They might be discussed during Question Period.
  3. Questioning Protocol: During Question Time, MPs address their inquiries to the appropriate cabinet ministers. According to a predetermined timetable, the questions are asked in a certain order.
  4. Ministerial response: Ministers respond to the inquiries from MPs. Depending on the sort of question, these answers may be given orally or in writing. Following spoken responses, follow-up inquiries and clarifications are frequent.
  5. Supplemental Questions: Following an oral response, members of the house have the chance to ask additional questions for clarification or explanation. These queries deepen the conversation.
  6. Allocated Time: Question The length of an hour during a parliamentary session might differ from one legislative system to another. The Speaker or other presiding official makes sure that questions and responses stay on schedule.

Objectives and Key Elements

Question Hour is a crucial component of parliamentary democracy, and the following elements make it effective:

  1. Non-partisanship: Question Hour is meant to be an unaffiliated activity. A platform for unbiased examination is provided by the participation of MPs from both the government and opposition benches.
  2. Diversity of themes: The themes that can be covered by questions include governance, the implementation of policies, public services, and current events. Because of this diversity, the government is held accountable on many different levels.
  3. Public Participation: The Question Hour procedures are frequently broadcast or covered by the media and are typically open to the general public. Citizens can see their politicians hold the government accountable in this way.
  4. Regular Schedule: To ensure that elected officials are continuously held accountable to parliament, Question Hour is normally set at regular intervals during parliamentary sessions.

Challenges and Limitations

While Question Hour is a crucial democratic tool, there are certain difficulties and restrictions with it:

  1. Limited Time: The predetermined time allotted for Question Hour may not be enough to effectively address all topics, resulting in hurried discussions.
  2. Quality of Questions: The caliber of the questions that MPs submit will determine how effective Question Hour is. Politically motivated or pointless inquiries may defeat the aim.
  3. Oral vs. Written comments: Ministers occasionally give evasive or hazy oral comments that fail to address pressing concerns. On the other side, written responses prevent fast follow-up.
  4. Partisan Behavior: In reality, some lawmakers may use Question Time to win political points rather than looking for the truth or holding one other accountable.

Examples from various nations

  1. India: The Lok Sabha (House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (Council of States) of the Indian Parliament both hold Question Hour sessions. Starred and unstarred questions are divided into categories, with written answers for unstarred questions and oral answers for stars. Indian Question Hour frequently includes intense discussions and arguments.
  2. United Kingdom: Question Time is a regular occurrence in the House of Commons in the United Kingdom. MP queries are answered by the prime minister and other cabinet members. This meeting is widely publicized and live-streamed.
  3. Australia: Question Time is a daily occurrence in the Australian Parliament when the House of Representatives meets. There is time set up for both government and opposition members to ask questions of the prime minister and ministers.


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