Rajeev Gandhi Government


In an effort to strengthen and expand panchayati raj institutions, the Rajiv Gandhi administration proposed the 64th Constitutional Amendment Bill in the Lok Sabha in July 1989 based. Despite the fact that the Lok Sabha approved the bill in August 1989, not given the Rajya Sabha’s approval. The proposal was fiercely opposed on the grounds that it attempted to strengthen, through the opposition federal system centralization.

Gaining Power:

  • The sad killing of Rajiv Gandhi’s mother, Indira Gandhi, who was in her fourth term as prime minister, led to his unanticipated rise to the position of prime minister in 1984. Both doubt and hope were expressed in response to his abrupt ascent to power. While his admirers viewed him as a young, vibrant leader who might usher in a new era for India, his critics questioned his political experience and suitability for the position.

Economic Changes:

  • The Rajiv Gandhi administration’s dedication to economic modernisation and liberalization was one of its distinguishing traits. Rajiv Gandhi started the process of economic reforms in 1985 by tearing down the License Raj, which had long hampered the nation’s economy. Through the promotion of entrepreneurship and the reduction of bureaucratic red tape, the Indian economy was made more accessible to foreign investment and private sector involvement.
  • Another important turning point during his administration was the 1986 National Policy on Education. It placed a strong emphasis on excellent education, expanded infrastructure, and universal access to schooling. The Indian educational system was modernized as a result of this program.

Revolution in Technology:

  • The administration of Rajiv Gandhi understood how technology may influence India’s destiny. In an effort to advance the use of computers and electronic communication in government, his administration established the National Informatics Center (NIC) in 1986. The digitization of official documents and services, which increased administrative efficiency and openness, was made possible in large part by this project.
  • The government’s backing for the software sector also paved the stage for India to become a worldwide IT powerhouse in the decades that followed. The development of India’s IT sector was facilitated by the creation of software technology parks and regulations that supported software exports.

Foreign Affairs:

  • A proactive attitude to world events was a defining characteristic of Rajiv Gandhi’s foreign policy. He was a key figure in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and improved India’s relations with countries in the Western and Eastern Blocs. Greater economic and geopolitical collaboration was the consequence of his attempts to enhance ties with the US.
  • The historic Rajiv-Longowal Accord was signed in 1985 with the intention of ending the protracted Punjab Crisis, despite the fact that its execution was fraught with difficulties. The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit was successfully concluded in 1986 thanks in large part to Rajiv Gandhi’s administration, which also promoted regional cooperation and diplomacy.

Problems encountered:

  • Despite its successes, Rajiv Gandhi’s administration had several obstacles while in office. The most prominent of them was the Bhopal gas accident in 1984, one of the deadliest industrial disasters in history that lost thousands of lives and prompted inquiries about government and corporate accountability.
  • Also under fire was how the government handled the anti-Sikh riots that broke out after Indira Gandhi was killed. Many said that the administration did not take sufficient measures to stop or limit the violence, which resulted in intense tensions among the community.
  • Additionally, the late 1980s Bofors crisis damaged the government’s reputation and sparked claims of corruption in defense purchases. The popularity of the administration and its capacity to advance its policy agenda were significantly impacted by these charges.


  • The legacy of the Rajiv Gandhi administration is a complicated and contentious subject. On the one hand, it brought about major economic changes and technical improvements that paved the way for India’s explosive rise in the 1990s and beyond. India is now one of the leading economies in the world with the highest rate of growth because to the liberalization policies that were implemented during this time.
  • Rajiv Gandhi placed a strong focus on education and technology, which had a long-lasting effect on the development of a trained labor force and the expansion of the Indian IT industry. India’s future in the information era was significantly shaped by the National Policy on Education and the encouragement of computerization.

The administration, however, received criticism for how it handled various crises, such the anti-Sikh riots and the Bhopal gas catastrophe. The Bofors affair and corruption charges further damaged the government’s standing.

Five years of the Rajiv Gandhi administration were filled with both successes and difficulties. Economic liberalization, technical development, and foreign policy efforts took place during this time, paving the way for India to become a major role on the world stage in the decades that followed. But it was also a time marked by scandals and catastrophes that continue to influence how people view that age now.

Rajiv Gandhi’s goal of creating a contemporary and technologically advanced India had a profound impact on the course that the nation took. The educational, technological, and economic reforms of his government continue to have an impact on India’s development. The Rajiv Gandhi administration’s legacy continues to be a source of praise and contention as India considers its political past, illuminating the difficulties of leadership and governance in a varied and developing country like India.


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