Article 58 of the Indian Constitution provides for the Qualifications for election as President. This constitutional article outlines the criteria that an individual must meet to be eligible for election as the nation’s highest constitutional authority. By defining the prerequisites, Article 58 ensures that the President possesses the necessary attributes to discharge their duties effectively and uphold the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution. With a focus on citizenship, age, and eligibility for membership in the House of the People, this article plays a crucial role in shaping the leadership of India and maintaining the integrity and stability of its governance.

What does Article 58 states ?

Qualifications for election as President

(1) No person shall be eligible for election as President unless he

(a) is a citizen of India,

(b) has completed the age of thirty five years, and

(c) is qualified for election as a member of the House of the People

(2) A person shall not be eligible for election as President if he holds any office of profit under the or the Government of any State or under any local or other authority subject to the control of any of the said Governments Explanation For the purposes of this article, a person shall not be deemed to hold any office of profit by reason only that he is the President or Vice President of the Union or the Governor of any State or is a Minister either for the Union or for any State.

Citizenship Requirement

Article 58 mandates that the President of India must be a citizen of India. This criterion emphasizes the significance of loyalty and allegiance to the country. By limiting the position to Indian citizens, the Constitution ensures that the President’s interests and priorities align with the welfare of the nation and its people.

Age Criteria

To be eligible for election as President, an individual must have completed the age of thirty-five years, as prescribed by Article 58. This requirement ensures that the President possesses a certain level of maturity and experience to handle the responsibilities of the highest constitutional office. The age criterion also reflects the framers’ intention to select candidates with proven wisdom and judgment.

Eligibility for Lok Sabha Membership

Article 58’s qualifications aim to ensure that the President possesses the necessary attributes to discharge their duties effectively. By requiring candidates to meet these criteria, the Constitution upholds the principle of accountability in the highest office of the land. It ensures that the President is well-equipped to make informed decisions, act in the best interests of the country, and maintain the integrity and dignity of the office.

Ensuring Capable Leadership

The qualifications laid down in Article 58 aim to ensure that the President possesses the necessary attributes to discharge their duties effectively. By requiring candidates to meet these criteria, the Constitution upholds the principle of accountability in the highest office of the land. Article 58 guarantees that the President possesses the necessary attributes to make informed decisions, act in the best interests of the country, and maintain the dignity and integrity of the office.


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