Indian Penal Code 205


Indian Penal Code 205:

False personation for the purpose of a legal act or proceeding —Whoever falsely impersonates another, and in such assumed character makes any admission or statement, or confesses judgment, or causes any process to be issued, or becomes bail or security, or performs any other act in any suit or criminal prosecution, shall be punished with imprisonment of either kind for a term that may not exceed three years, a fine, or both.

Example of Section 205 of the IPC

Consider the following hypothetical situation: John is accused of a financial dispute with his business partner in a civil litigation. Instead of representing himself in court, John dispatches his associate Mike in his place. During the court proceedings, Mike impersonates John and confesses to the alleged financial misconduct, which has a significant impact on the case.

Mike’s actions of impersonating John in court, making disclosures on John’s behalf, and confessing to the alleged financial misconduct would fall under IPC Section 205 in this instance. John and Mike are both potentially liable for the offense. John would be liable for aiding the impersonation because he knowingly permitted Mike to impersonate him in court.

It is crucial to recognize that assuming a fraudulent identity can severely impede the administration of justice and undermine the legitimacy of legal proceedings. IPC Section 205 seeks to deter such deceptive conduct and preserve the legal system’s integrity.

If you have legal concerns regarding IPC Section 205 or any other legal matter, you should consult with a qualified legal professional who can provide you with accurate and up-to-date information based on the most recent legal developments and recommend the best course of action.


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