Section 2- Punishment of offences committed within India

IPC Section 2: According to the explicit language of the law” Every person shall be liable to penalty under this Code and not otherwise for every act or omission contrary to the provisions thereof, of which he shall be held guilty within India.

In accordance with Section 2 of the Indian Penal Code, “every person,” regardless of nationality, caste, color, status, or creed, shall be held accountable if he commits any crime inside the boundaries of India.
The phrase “every person” as used in Section 2 of the Indian Penal Code has a broader scope than the phrase “not only citizens.” Both foreigners and Indian citizens are included under this definition. The statute also applies to any group of people or association, whether or not it is incorporated.

If a person commits an offense in India, everyone listed under IPC 2, including foreign nationals, would be held equally responsible and subject to the provisions of the law. The legislation specifies that a foreigner is not permitted to claim ignorance of the law or that he was unaware of the laws and the nature of the crime in India, claiming that such an act is not a criminal offense in his home country.

As stated in Section 1 of the Indian Penal Code, criminal responsibility for any crime is determined by the nation in which it was committed, not by the laws that were in effect when the crime was committed.

Additionally, whenever a person’s corporeal (physical) presence is not necessary to commit a crime. If it is determined that an accused was somehow involved in the commission of a certain crime, the Act permits holding him or her accountable for the crime.


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