No Confidence Motion


Under Rule 198 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Lok Sabha, a No Confidence Motion is a formal request made by the opposition against the current administration in the Lok Sabha. After the motion is passed, the ruling party is required to quit if it cannot demonstrate its majority in the Lok Sabha. The Lok Sabha’s No Confidence Motion is a crucial weapon against the Council of Ministers. At least 50 Lok Sabha MPs must back the motion in order for it to be approved.

Motion for No Confidence

The No Confidence Motion is sometimes referred to as the No Confidence Vote and the No Confidence Motion. The parliamentary motion from the opposition refers to the Lok Sabha’s ruling and establishes the majority. A legislative resolution known as a “No Confidence Motion” is presented to the Lok Sabha and declares the entire council of ministers unfit to hold positions of leadership due to their flaws or failing to perform their duties. It doesn’t need to be justified in advance for Lok Sabha adoption.

What is a motion to exclude?

According to Article 75 of the Constitution, the Lok Sabha is the council of ministers’ primary oversight body. The ministry will remain in office as long as the majority of Lok Sabha MPs continue to support it. Only when it has a majority in the Lok Sabha can a government function.

In other words, a no-confidence vote is not necessary for the Lok Sabha to dismiss the ministry.

The administration is deemed to have lost the majority and is obliged to resign if the No Confidence Motion is approved with the support of 51% of the house members.
After introducing a No Confidence Motion, the opposition can request that the administration show its majority, or it can do so by introducing a vote of confidence.
The No Confidence Motion is occasionally introduced by the opposition to force the administration to deal with pressing issues.

No-confidence motion: recent information

After losing their coalition with the BJP, the YSR Congress and Telegu Desam Party have presented a motion of no confidence against the NDA Government on March 16, 2022. The motion received support from most opposition parties. The No-Confidence Motion was introduced by a sizable number of MPs. The Speaker, however, is postponing the move due to the commotion on the opposition benches in order to prevent a disruption of the parliament.

The following issues also affect the No Confidence Motion:

  1. Finance Bills: Using the guillotine clause, the Finance Bill was recently approved without discussion. The Lok Sabha has never before taken this move, and numerous other significant judgments have been made without being reviewed by the legislature.
  2. Money Bills: All but the Money Bill are passed by the speaker. Only the Lok Sabha and not the Rajya Sabha deals with these monetary bills.

How to Move a Motion of No Confidence in Parliament

The motion of no confidence must follow a specific process that is outlined in Lok Sabha Rule 198. There is no Confidence or No Confidence Motion Article in the Indian Constitution. However, the Council of Ministers must collectively answer to the Lok Sabha, according to Article 75 of the Indian Constitution.

The following is a summary of how to move a no-confidence motion:

  • If the No Confidence Motion receives the support of 50 members or more, it may be brought before the Lok Sabha. the Opposition alone.
  • The Speaker may convene the members to request leave to introduce the motion, according to Rule 198 (1) (a).
  • According to Rule 198 (1)(b), the opposition members requesting the motion shall provide the Lok Sabha Secretary-General a formal notice by 10 AM on the proposal day. They must submit the plan by 10 AM the next day if they are unable to do so by that time.
  • After reading the house motion, the Speaker may ask the members who are proposing it to stand if they think it to be in order, in accordance with Rule 198(2).
  • If at least 50 members support the motion, the Speaker will declare it approved. Within ten days of the request for leave, the motion for no confidence is heard.
  • According to Rule 198 (3), the Speaker may permit a portion of the day, an entire day, or a number of days to discuss the motion after the leave is granted.
  • In accordance with Rule 198(4), the Speaker must ask questions at the designated hour on the day designated for discussion in order to control the house’s decision.
  • The Speaker has the authority to set a time restriction for remarks under Rule 198(5).
  • The government must leave the office for further action if the motion is approved by the house.

There are no guidelines for the Confidence Motion because there is a specific procedure for the No Confidence Motion. It is seen as following Rule 184’s standard process.

Meaning of the No Confidence Motion

The No Confidence Motion is regarded in Lok Sabha as a crucial step in challenging the Ministerial Council. There is a minimum requirement for the motion to pass, and that is that 51% of the Lok Sabha MPs must support it. If so, the government must resign since it lacks a majority. This implies that following the Opposition’s request for the No Confidence Motion, the Government must demonstrate its majority.

The motion to talk with the current government on important issues can also be made by the opposition.



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