Article 51 of the Indian Constitution outlines India’s commitment to promoting international peace by respecting and adhering to international laws. It emphasizes the importance of working together to promote peace among states. It promotes the renunciation of violence as a method of conflict resolution and supports the values of the United Nations.

What does Article 51 states ?

Promotion of international peace and security The State shall endeavour to

(a) promote international peace and security;

(b) maintain just and honourable relations between nations;

(c) foster respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another; and encourage settlement of international disputes by arbitration PART IVA FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES.

Clauses of Article 51

Article 51(a) :-

“The Union shall be duty-bound to promote international peace and security, maintain just and honorable relations between nations, foster respect for international law and treaty obligations among organized people, and encourage arbitration for settling international disputes.”

  • This clause highlights India’s commitment to upholding international law, fostering cooperation among nations, and advocating for peaceful dispute resolution.

Article 51(b) :-

“The State shall endeavor to promote international peace, maintain just and honorable relations between nations, respect international law and treaty obligations, and encourage arbitration for settling international disputes.”

  • This clause reinforces India’s commitment to diplomacy, non-alignment, and peaceful coexistence with other countries.

Key forums in which India participates

1. United Nations (UN)As a founding member of the United Nations, India is an active participant in the UN General Assembly, Security Council, and various specialized agencies. India’s contributions to UN peacekeeping missions are significant, and it advocates for reforms in the UN system to better represent the interests of developing nations.
2. World Trade Organization (WTO)India is a member of the WTO, and its participation in this forum is crucial for engaging in global trade negotiations and addressing trade-related issues.
3. BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)As a member of BRICS, India collaborates with other emerging economies to address economic and geopolitical issues of mutual interest.
4. G20 (Group of Twenty)India is a member of the G20, a forum for major advanced and emerging economies to coordinate economic policies and address global economic challenges.
5. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)SAARC is a regional organization that aims to promote cooperation and development among South Asian countries. India is a key member and plays a significant role in shaping regional policies.
6. Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC)BIMSTEC is a regional organization comprising countries bordering the Bay of Bengal. India actively participates in this forum to enhance regional cooperation in various sectors.
7. Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)IORA is an organization focused on promoting regional cooperation and sustainable development among Indian Ocean rim countries. India is a member of IORA and plays an active role in the association’s activities


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