World Trade Organization (WTO)


The only such worldwide organization dealing with the laws and policies governing cross-border trade between nations is the World Trade Organization, or WTO. Only nations that are members of the World Trade Organization are subject to such rules and obligations. WTO accords that have been negotiated and signed by member nations form the foundation for the organization’s operation. The WTO accords will need to be approved by the parliaments of the member nations, which must be kept in mind.

Which year was the WTO founded?
Following the ratification of the Marrakesh Agreement on April 15, 1994, the World Trade Organization was created on January 1 of the following year. The Marrakesh Agreement took the place of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

Are You Aware?
The World Trade Organization’s annual budget is funded by member nation contributions, which are collected. The calculation for the contribution is in line with how much each member nation trades internationally. In order to pay its required contribution to the WTO for the year 2020, India has already paid an advance payment in the amount of Rs. 33 crores.

aims of the WTO
Below is a discussion of the World Trade Organization’s six main goals.

Creating and Enforcing International Trade Regulations

The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement, and the laws governing the international trade in goods are the three accords that make up the World Trade Organization.

The WTO uses a multilateral system of dispute settlement to enforce its rules when one of its member countries violates a trade agreement. The methods and decisions must be respected and adhered to by the members in accordance with ratified agreements.

Serving as the world’s leading forum

The World Trade Organization serves as the international platform for regulating and negotiating additional trade liberalization. The foundation of WTO trade liberalization initiatives is built on the advantages for members to make the best use of their comparative advantages as a result of a free and fair trade system.

Settlement of Trade Conflicts

Trade disagreements before the WTO typically result from breaches of agreements between members. Such trade disputes are settled through a multilateral system with predetermined rules and processes in front of the dispute resolution body, not unilaterally.

Making the Decision-Making Process More Transparent

The World Trade Organization makes an effort to promote decision-making transparency by encouraging more participation and, in particular, the use of the consensus rule. Such actions work together to increase institutional transparency.

International Economic Institutions Working Together

The World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and the World Bank are some of the international economic institutions.

The onset of globalization has made tight collaboration amongst multilateral institutions imperative. These institutions are useful for developing and carrying out a framework for international economic policy. It is possible for policymaking to be interrupted in the absence of frequent consultation and mutual assistance.

Protecting the trade interests of developing nations

The WTO enforces strict standards to safeguard the trading interests of developing nations. It assists these member nations in maximizing their ability to carry out the organization’s mandates, handle conflicts, and apply pertinent technical standards.

Aspects of the WTO
The World Trade Organization’s main characteristics are:

When compared to the former General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs, the WTO’s scope is far more expensive. For instance, the GATT excluded textiles and agriculture and only concentrated on products. On the other side, the WTO deals with all products, services, investment laws, and intellectual property.

The WTO Secretariat has strengthened and institutionalized the processes for policy review and dispute resolution. Due to the expansion of member nations and the expansion of the WTO’s scope of covered products and services, this element has grown significant. The significant expansion of open access to various international markets is a crucial factor to take into account in this regard.

Rules have been put in place to safeguard small, vulnerable nations from the unfair trade practices of developed nations.

Equal access to markets for fair treatment of both domestic and foreign suppliers is permitted under National Treatment articles and the Most Favored Nation (MFN) clause.

Each WTO member nation has a single vote, and all members have privileges on a global level.

The WTO accords apply to all of the member countries and serve as a forum for discussion among them.

WTO’s roles and responsibilities
Below are some examples of the WTO’s numerous functions and geographic reach.

Implementation of Trade Policy Review Rules

The member nations of the international community come to an overall consensus thanks to the stability and assurance provided by the trade regulations. The rules are examined to make sure that the multilateral trading system survives even in the face of constantly shifting trade conditions. Additionally, it aids in creating a reliable and transparent foundation for conducting business.

Member Countries’ Forum Discuss upcoming plans

Trade negotiations within the global trading system are made possible by the WTO as a platform. Without trade talks, the economy may stagnate and problems with dumping and tariffs might go unresolved. Consistent trade discussions are also a requirement for further trade liberalization.

Putting into Practice and Managing Multilateral and Bilateral Trade Agreements

The parliaments of the different member nations are required to ratify any bilateral or multilateral trade agreements. The non-discriminatory trading system cannot be implemented until such ratification occurs. Every member will be guaranteed to be treated fairly in the marketplaces of other members thanks to the inked agreements.

Trade Conflict Resolution

Trade disputes are addressed by the WTO’s dispute settlement process. Independent tribunal specialists interpret the agreements and issue rulings citing the proper obligations of the involved member nations. It is advised to consult with other members in order to resolve disagreements.

Best Possible Use of the World’s Resources

By utilizing the trade capabilities of the developing countries, resources all around the world can be used to their fullest potential. The WTO accords must include specific clauses for the least-developed economies. Greater trade opportunities, longer deadlines for implementing obligations, and assistance with the development of the legal infrastructure are a few examples of such initiatives.

Take a Knowledge Test

  1. Where is the World Trade Organization’s headquarters?

Melbourne, (a)

New York, b

(c) Doha

Geneva, d

  1. The number of nations that are a part of the World Trade Organization.

164 member nations (a)

160 member nations (b)

(c) The 144 member nations

(d) 194 participating nations

  1. The World Trade Organization’s official language is which of the following?

Spanish (a)

French, b

English (c)

(d) All the aforementioned

  1. Who among the following is the World Trade Organization’s current director-general?

Roberto Azevedo (a)

Antonio Guterres (b)

Peter Sutherland, c

Kristalina Georgieva, (d)

When the subject of globalization is covered in the classroom, the World Trade Organization is introduced. Globalization is a factor since the world trade organization is focused with facilitating international trade between countries. It belongs to an intergovernmental body. A specific set of trade regulations are established between states; the World Trade Organization is in charge of handling these regulations. It is based on a series of WTO agreements that the majority of the world’s trading states have negotiated and ratified. This organization’s mission is to make it easier and more helpful for businesspeople, manufacturers of goods and services, importers and exporters to conduct their trade in accordance with the standards established by the World Trade Organization.

The Uruguay Round discussions led to the creation of the World Trade Organization, which has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It was formed on 1 January 1995. The World Trade Organization has 164 members, who collectively account for 98% of global trade. Its budget for 2020 is 1 97 million Swiss Francs, and its executive director is Ngozi Okonjo Iweala. He holds the title of director-general.

The World Trade Organization is a group known for opening up trade, but it also has other functions. It is also regarded as a venue for trade agreement negotiations between governments. Governments frequently use it to resolve trade disputes. It is referred to as a set of trading laws. The international trade organization is primarily a venue where governments from various nations gather to try to resolve the numerous trade issues they can encounter with one another.

It is vitally crucial to understand about this significant institution while studying trade. The study materials were put together by Vedantu’s team based on the World Trade Organization. This study guide is the result of in-depth research by Vedantu’s experienced team, and it provides crucial definitions and data that every student should be familiar with in order to understand the WTO’s many roles and facets. On Vedantu’s website, you may download the entire content for nothing. Since the information is in a PDF format and the link is simple to use, students can download it and study it anywhere they choose. Before the test, it is helpful to quickly review the concepts so that students can understand the key ideas.

The World Trade Organization’s definition, the year it was founded, some key facts, the organization’s goals, its characteristics, and its roles and responsibilities are all covered in this article. Additionally, the Vedantu team has compiled practice questions so that students can monitor their progress and gauge their level of knowledge on the relevant subject.

When the subject of globalization is covered in the classroom, the World Trade Organization is introduced. Globalization is a factor since the world trade organization is focused with facilitating international trade between countries. It belongs to an intergovernmental body. A specific set of trade regulations are established between states; the World Trade Organization is in charge of handling these regulations. It is based on a series of WTO agreements that the majority of the world’s trading states have negotiated and ratified. This organization’s mission is to make it easier and more helpful for businesspeople, manufacturers of goods and services, importers and exporters to conduct their trade in accordance with the standards established by the World Trade Organization.

The Uruguay Round discussions led to the creation of the World Trade Organization, which has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. It was formed on 1 January 1995. The World Trade Organization has 164 members, who collectively account for 98% of global trade. Its budget for 2020 is 1 97 million Swiss Francs, and its executive director is Ngozi Okonjo Iweala. He holds the title of director-general.

The World Trade Organization is a group known for opening up trade, but it also has other functions. It is also regarded as a venue for trade agreement negotiations between governments. Governments frequently use it to resolve trade disputes. It is referred to as a set of trading laws. The international trade organization is primarily a venue where governments from various nations gather to try to resolve the numerous trade issues they can encounter with one another.

It is vitally crucial to understand about this significant institution while studying trade. The study materials were put together by Vedantu’s team based on the World Trade Organization. This study guide is the result of in-depth research by Vedantu’s experienced team, and it provides crucial definitions and data that every student should be familiar with in order to understand the WTO’s many roles and facets. On Vedantu’s website, you may download the entire content for nothing. Since the information is in a PDF format and the link is simple to use, students can download it and study it anywhere they choose. Before the test, it is helpful to quickly review the concepts so that students can understand the key ideas.

The World Trade Organization’s definition, the year it was founded, some key facts, the organization’s goals, its characteristics, and its roles and responsibilities are all covered in this article. Additionally, the Vedantu team has compiled practice questions so that students can monitor their progress and gauge their level of knowledge on the relevant subject.


  1. […] The World Trade Organization (WTO) made the Trade Facilitation deal (TFA) in 2013. It is a very important deal. Its goal is to make foreign trade easier and cheaper by streamlining and simplifying the process. Since India is a member of the WTO, it was very important for the TFA to be negotiated and passed. This piece talks about the importance of the Trade Facilitation Agreement in India and how it has changed the way India does business […]


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