SECTION 21 IPC : The term “PUBLIC SERVANT” refers to any anyone who fits into one of the following categories:-

(i) (Omitted)

(ii) Any officer appointed to the nation’s military, navy, or air force.

(iii) Any judge or designated individual with the legal authority to carry out any adjudicatory functions, whether acting alone or on behalf of the bodies of the individuals.

(iv) Any court of justice officer whose responsibility it is to look into or report on any legal issue. Any person appointed by the court with the authority to carry out these duties is the officer who is permitted to keep the record of the matter, to accept responsibility for disposing of any property, to carry out any judicial process, to administer any oath-taking, or to preserve any order of the court.

(v) Each jury member, assessor, and panchayat member supports the court of justice or the public servant.

(vi) Every arbitrator chosen by the court to hear any case referred for a ruling, as well as any other qualified public official.

(vii) Any individual who is qualified to assume a position that gives him the authority to imprison someone or retain them in custody.

(viii) Any official whose responsibility it is to stop crimes from happening, report them, prosecute the criminals, and ensure the public’s safety and well-being.

(ix) Every officer whose responsibility it is to acquire, receive, or maintain property for the benefit of the government, or to conduct any research, assessments, or contacts, or to carry out any revenue procedures, or to look into or make a report on any matter affecting the financial interests of the government, or to stop any law from being broken in order to protect any financial interest of the government.

(x) Any officer whose responsibility it is to seize, receive, or hold property for any village, town, or district, to conduct any surveys or assessments, or to charge taxes for that purpose.

(xi) Every individual who holds a position that confers authority over the creation, publication, upkeep, and revision of an electoral roll or the conduct of an election.

(xii) (a) Any individual working for or being paid by the government who is compensated with fees or commissions for carrying out government business.

(b) Anyone employed by or under the control of a local government, a corporation that falls under a federal or state government, or a person as defined or referred to in section 617 of the Companies Act of 1956 (1 of 1956).


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