Motion of Thanks


What does a motion of thanks entail?

  • The President‘s special address is allowed under Article 87.
  • According to the article, the President must address both Houses of Parliament when they are gathered together at the beginning of the first session following each general election to the House of the People and at the beginning of the first session of every year to inform Parliament of the reasons for its summons.
  • Such an Address is known as a “special address,” and it also appears every year.
  • This speech must be delivered to both Houses of Parliament when they are together.

What does the President’s Address cover?

  • The Government drafts the President‘s Address because it is a statement of Government policy.
  • The Address provides a summary of the government’s accomplishments over the previous year and outlines the policies, projects, and programs that the current administration intends to pursue in relation to crucial domestic and international concerns.
  • The Address also broadly outlines the proposed legislative matter that will be brought during the sessions that will be held that year.
  • Both Houses of Parliament debate a resolution known as the “Motion of Thanks” before debating the president‘s address, which is equivalent to the “speech from the Throne” in Britain.
  • The Motion of Thanks is adopted in the altered form if any of the proposed revisions are accepted.
    • Amendments may make reference to both topics covered in the Address as well as those that, in the member’s judgment, were left out of the Address.
  • The motion is put to a vote at the conclusion of the discussion.

What Does a Motion of Thank You Mean?

The House must vote to approve the motion of thanks. Otherwise, the government will be overthrown. It is one of the ways the Lok Sabha can also show its disapproval of the administration. Other options include:

  • Rejection of a bill of exchange.
  • Passing a motion for censure or an adjournment.
  • The government’s loss on a crucial subject.
  • Cutting motion passing.

Additional Indian Parliamentary Motions

  1. Privilege Motion:
    • A member may bring a privilege motion if he believes that a minister has violated the privilege of the House or one or more of its members by withholding relevant facts or by providing inaccurate or distorted information. Its goal is to criticize the minister in question.
    • Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha can move it.
  2. Motion to Censure:
    • It needs to explain why it was approved by the Lok Sabha. A minister, a group of ministers, or the entire council of ministers may be the target of such a motion.
    • To censure the council of ministers for a number of specific decisions and actions is moved. Only in the Lok Sabha may it be moved.
  3. Call-Attention Motion:
    • A member of the legislature introduces this motion to draw the attention of a minister to an issue of immediate public concern and to request his authoritative declaration on it.
    • Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha can move it.
  4. Adjournment Motion:
    • It is presented in the Lok Sabha to call attention to a specific issue of immediate public interest. It contains a component of criticism of the government.
    • Only in the Lok Sabha may it be moved.
  5. No-Day-Yet-Named Motion:
    • The Speaker has accepted this motion, but there is no set time for its consideration.
    • Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha can move it.
  6. No Confidence Motion:
    • According to Article 75 of the Constitution, the Lok Sabha is the council of ministers’ primary accountability body. In other words, a no-confidence motion can be passed by the Lok Sabha to remove the ministry from office. For the motion to be approved, 50 members must vote in favor.
    • Only in the Lok Sabha may it be moved.
  7. Cut Motions:
    • As part of the Demand for Grants, the government may be asked to allocate a specific amount of money, and members of the Lok Sabha have the special authority to object to that request. These requests are known as cut motions.
    • If the motion is approved, it amounts to a vote of no confidence, and the administration must resign in accordance with House rules if it is unable to secure enough votes in the lower House.
    • Any of the following methods may be used to make a motion to lessen the size of a demand:
      • Motion for Policy Cut: It is moved to decrease the demand’s sum to Re.1 (which signifies opposition to the demand’s underlying policy).
      • Economy Cut Motions: The motion is changed to cause a certain reduction in the amount of demand.
      • Motions for Token Cuts: It is moved to cut the demand’s amount by Rs. 100 (expresses a particular complaint).
    • Only in the Lok Sabha may it be moved.


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